Girl Guides has connected girls and young women for over a 100 years and Girl Guides SA are seeking to re-engage our membership base.

Many Girl Guides have made lifelong friends, but for others personal life, work and circumstances means they have lost those connections to each other and to the organisation.

We believe that a campaign to reunite our past members would benefit the members, their families and the wider community because Girl Guides make a difference in people’s lives.

As a 100 year plus organisation the majority of our records are paper based and we cannot reach out to our guiding community in the past to enable us to reconnect them.

Facilitating this would lead to Girl Guides once again lending their valuable skills and experience to community projects and to girls and young women who like them can benefit from the organisation’s programs.

The media, community and government are all concerned with the issues of girls and young women. Issues such as bullying, self-esteem, social media impact and body image can all be aided through an involvement with Girl Guides.

Our Girl Led Programs ensure that girls and young women develop into the best they can be supported by their peers and our volunteer leaders.

The successful suite of programs Girl Guides delivers including:

  • Girls Health & Wellness programs in Schools
  • Free Being Me – Self-esteem program
  • Guide Your Money – Financial management
  • Voices Against Violence – Developing respectful relationship
  • Getting into Governance – Pathways to boards
  • Girl Led initiatives – Activities indoors and outdoors that the girls choose to do

Reaching out to our past members can bring guiding to more girls and young women. We just need to establish an alumni who can assist to drive this and harness the resources of members past and present.

To that end, we wish to run a campaign that will bring our past members back together as a united force to help present Girl Guides, themselves and the community.

The campaign would be called ‘Calling all Girl Guides and Brownies – Where Are You Now?’.

Our brand is well recognised in the community and importantly still remembered, it is through this historical link that we believe we can reach past members.

Just taking out a packet of Girl Guide Biscuits and walking down the Mall and you can be sure that someone will say, ‘I love Girl Guide Biscuits’, can I buy some? Our brand is still alive and well, but we need to remind people.

We must re-engage our past members and leverage the credibility, tradition and familiarity that exists before it is lost forever.


Remember your guiding days? We would love you to share your skills and experience!

Girl Guides SA is keen to engage with past Guides and Brownies to inspire today’s girls and young women now seeking the same adventure, fun and friendships they enjoyed. From running a Guide Unit to contributing your expertise and experience in other ways we would love to hear from you.

The first 50 stories will have opportunity to join past Girl Guide, Michelle Lensink, Minister for Human Services, responsible for communities and social inclusion, social housing, disabilities, women, youth and volunteers, at Parliament House.

The aim of the campaign is to update guiding history and enhance plans for the future, Girl Guides SA is reconnecting with, and collecting guiding and life stories of past SA Brownies and Guides.

If you, a family member or friend were a Brownie or Girl Guide, we would love to hear from you! If they were, we would ask each one to submit a 100 word story on where they are now and preferably how Girl Guides as an organisation has impacted on them positively.

Calling All Girl Guides and Brownies Flyer


Expression of Interest


Brownie Alice Clark

Brownie – 1971-73

I joined the Brownies in Kirriemuir, Scotland, when my family moved from Adelaide to live there in the 70’s. I waded through snow to go to meetings in a very small town and loved being with the other girls and leaders to work towards achieving my badges. One of the friends I made in Scotland came to Australia recently and said that she thought I was so confident as a child and I’m sure that being a part of Brownies was integral to that outlook on life and what I have achieved in the years following. A great experience that all girls and women should enjoy if we are serious about encouraging strong female role models. I’m interested in the future of Girl Guides and making sure the needs of today’s girls are a focus. Thank you for the opportunity to contribute.

Rosemarie Harris - Brownie & Girl Guide

Brownie & Girl Guide

My mother suggested that I attend Brownies because she had attended. I was a shy child and she thought that ‘it would be good for me’. I then started on a journey of long-term friendships, learning skills, goal setting all skills that we still talk about. We were taught to challenge ourselves and it was fun. I gained skills centered typically around cooking and camping and collected a few badges to prove it. Then there was Girl Guides. The friendships grew with involvement with other packs. And inter pack challenges and skills were gained that would be life-long. And then there was the January, Crippled Children’s Camp at Oakbank (all politically incorrect now – I am sure there has been a name change). This really changed my life and lead me down the Nursing pathway. Brownies and Girl Guides has changed, but the basic philosophies of thinking of others and challenging yourself hasn’t. Winning isn’t always the best way to learn or the best solution. It is OK to fail because we all do. It is how you handle the process that is important.

Megan Winter Brownie & Girl Guide


In 1985 I was a happy 7 year old girl. I had a good upbringing, however, my parents separated when I was 5. Brownies gave me a great understanding how important it was to care for yourself but also those around you. Starting at home I learnt to help take care of my younger sister and brother. I would help them tidy up and clean their rooms. I really wanted to help my Mum so I remember picking veggies for dinner and using Jiff to clean our bathroom
I saved my pocket money to buy tins of food for those who needed it. I also gave some of my teddies and toys to the kids that didn’t have them. The core of Brownies for me was making sure you cared for others, family and your community. Since then, I have taken my career to work for charitable organisations for the last 14 years. I hope you or a member of your family will take the opportunity to learn how to be a Brownie!


Brownie, Guide, Venturer 1965-1975

I would say as a Brownie I learnt many life  experiences, such as making a proper pot of tea, knitting and learning to darn socks. We did camping and got to go to Guides the Golden Jubilee at Woodside. I was a sixer of the Jungerines. We learnt to put up tents, cook on a campfire, dig latrines, tie knots. Very memorable time growing up.


1st McLaren Vale Unit

Started Guides with my school friends and our Leader was our School Teacher, Marilyn Gilberton. It was a great time and we learnt many life and survival skills. Enjoyed many camps and achieving success in gaining badges, and finally achieved becoming a Queen’s Guide in 1965. My photo is of me and my cousin Thomas Martin at the “Act of Loyalty”, Government House where we were presented with our Queens Badge by the Governor Bastyan on April 3rd 1966. I then went on to become a Brownie Leader for several years. I believe Guides set me up for my life first as a Governess, then a Teacher, married life and hopefully I have contributed to society through the skills I learnt in Guides.

Calling all Girl Guides and Brownies