Girl Guides SA Olave Program

Serve, Support, Succeed!

Opportunities open to Olave members include: leadership, volunteer projects, outdoor activities, gaining skills for life, having time out with other young women and connecting with Guiding and the wider community. The Olave Program is flexible to suit the needs of its members and is governed entirely by members. Olaves form self-governed peer groups who plan, implement and enjoy activities which suit their needs. Alternatively, members can participate and represent Guiding and young women as an individual in local, State or National events. The Olave Program encourages members to: Show commitment to Guiding through the Promise and Law. Support Community through voluntary service to Guiding and the wider world. Celebrate and develop a deeper understanding of Guiding through Heritage and Traditions. Foster cultural acceptance and strengthen global links through experiencing International Guiding. Support, encourage and learn through Social Networks. Grow as individuals through pursuing opportunities for Self Development.

$155 Annual membership fees entitle members to participate in Guiding activities at member rates, includes GGA and WAGGGS membership and contributes to the provision of member services.

A Uniform is worn by members all over Australia to create a sense of unity and to identify them as Guides. The Guide uniform includes polo shirts and a blue shirt (for teens) or a striped shirt (for adults) and are to be worn with navy pants. Black sneakers, closed-in shoes or sandals as appropriate are required for footwear. Youth members also wear a sash which displays badges they have achieved. Other optional items available include jackets, hoodies, hats and bags. A complete list of available items, prices and ordering information can be found in the GGA Uniform Information Booklet. This booklet also provides a helpful sizing chart and information on uniform guidelines and badge placement. Girl Guide uniforms can be purchased from our web shop. If you would like more information please Contact the Guide Shop.

Olaves seek to challenge themselves under the Olave Program Framework and can choose to complete awards under the Olave Award Structure.